Take Action and Get Involved
Join us in supporting Dr. Kenya Johns' campaign for the House of Representatives District 14 in Pennsylvania by volunteering your time or making a donation.
Ways to Help Kenya Johns' Campaign
We need your help to make this campaign a success. You can contribute by making a donation, volunteering to make phone calls, knocking on doors, hosting events, or simply spreading the word about Kenya Johns.
For more information about volunteering, please email us at:
2-8 pm at 2nd Avenue Playground, 111 8th Street, Beaver Falls, PA
Kenya Johns will be joining in the community celebration and speaking at the June 15 Juneteenth Community Celebration in Beaver Falls.
5:30 pm at Chippewa Park, Shelter #1, 158 Klein Street, Beaver Falls, PA
Come meet Kenya Johns, support her campaign, and learn more about her plan for supporting the future of District 14 and Pennsylvania and how we can work together to make it a reality.
Contribution levels:
$25, $50, $75, $100
Sponsor Levels
$250, $500, $1,000, $2500
Online - https://secure.actblue.com/donate/kenya0620
Email - erin@mfstrategies.com
Mail - Dr. Kenya Johns for State Representative
PO Box 112, Beaver Falls, PA 15010